This converter is a demonstration of the stuff you can do with Eulumdat Tools, the Eclipse based photometric workbench for managing large sets of photometric data files.

You can read more about Eulumdat Tools on the EULUMDAT blog.

If your file does not convert using these converters, please contact me at this Contact Page and paste in the contents of the failing file. Your effort will help improve this service over time.

IES to EULUMDAT Converter

Select a valid IES file ending in .ies on your local drive. The file must be in format IESNA91, IESNA:LM-63-1995, IESNA:LM-63-2001, or IESNA:LM-63-2002 as described by the standards. The file must also contain Type C photometry.
The original 1986 format and Type B photometry are somewhat supported, please use contact form to provide feedback!
Type A photometry is not supported at all.
Please note that the converter prefers IES files with the dot (.) as decimal separator, not a comma (,)!!
The converter will send you an EULUMDAT file with the same photometric characteristics.


Select the IES file to convert:

EULUMDAT to IES Converter

Select a valid EULUMDAT file ending in .ldt on your local drive. The converter will send you an IES file with the same photometric characteristics.


Select the EULUMDAT file to convert: